EVs system

The EVs (effort values) system concerns the EV points that the Pokémon receives based on their bonus levels, that is, those that are shown after the Pokémon’s level and which can range from 0 to 109. Each bonus level guarantees the Pokémon 5 EV points; therefore, a Pokémon level 100+109 will have 545 EV points (5×109=545). The EV points are intended to be distributed among the attributes of each Pokémon, namely: HP, Attack, Sp.Attack, Defense, Sp.Defense and Speed. While each attribute receives a certain amount of EV points, the Pokémon will have the respective attribute amplified in its entirety, and the player can decide how they want to distribute the points. However, the maximum that an attribute can receive EV points is 252.

Let’s look at the examples:

– Politoed presented below is a Pokémon of neutral nature, without vitamins or helds, level 100+109 and with all IVs 31. See that all of its total attributes are not influenced by factors other than IVs 31 and that on the right side In the PokéDex, in the EVs field (blue arrow), you can find the EV points that can be distributed (red arrow).

In the image below, the EV points were distributed across Sp.Attack and Attack, a maximum of 252 points in each.

See that the Attack stats went from 186 to 249, a difference of 63 points. Likewise, Sp.Attack’s stats went from 216 to 279, also a difference of 63 points. This difference is standard, that is, every attribute that receives 252 EV points will directly increase 63 points, which is a ratio of 1 stat point for every 4 EV points distributed.

The only attributes that do not directly influence a difference of 63 points are HP and movement speed. While movement speed receives 44 stat points with 252 attribute points distributed, HP changes as follows:


See that the difference in HP points was 3,654 points. This difference is standard for any Pokémon.