Earn rewards with the new Twitch Drops PSoul - PSoul

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Earn rewards with the new Twitch Drops PSoul2022/08/15 15:44:09
Earn rewards with the new Twitch Drops PSoul

Dear Pokémon trainers, take 5 minutes of your adventures to read this incredible news that PSoul has prepared for you.

You can now earn rewards by watching Twitch streamers who are streaming PSoul, everyone can earn points.

Every 10 minutes watched you can earn 1 point, there is a bonus of points as the number of viewers added to all the lives increases, so watching two lives at the same time does not guarantee double points, but it increases the number of viewing, consequently increasing the amount of points earned for all viewers.

For that, you need to link your Twitch account with the PSoul website, for that follow the steps:

  1. Log in to the PSoul website;
  2. On the trainer panel click on the Connections button;
  3. Log in with your Twitch;
  4. Okay, now just watch the lives that are available here;
  5. When you have a good amount of points, just withdraw them so they can be used in-game.

To exchange your points, just go to the in-game Trade Center (TC), enter the door on the left and talk to NPC Justin.

PSoul Twitch Drops Justin

This box contains several exclusive items that can only be obtained by this system, it also has a mysterious scroll that we cannot disclose its functionality here.

Good luck, good farming and let's support PSoul content creators!

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PSoul the best and most complete free Pokemon MMORPG. Earn rewards with the new Twitch Drops PSoul

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