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Patch Notes 3.7.5 - Halloween Event2022/10/14 08:07:35

- Added Halloween Event;
- The second part of the Sinnoh Main Quest has been released;
- Access to Sinnoh Underground released;
- Fixed Protean skill;
- Fixed Color Change skill;
- Easier to obtain Shiny Unown (1/400);
- Fixed small bug on Twitch NPC.
- Added new Pokemon to the game;
- Fixed Alola Pokedex;
- Added 20 new Addons;
- Added over 50 new items;
- Added 12 new Outfits;
- Added 32 new Ball Paint Tickets.
- Added Halloween theme in TC;
- Added new Tavern in the basement of the TC;
- Added Berry Plantations in Floaroma and Pastoria;
- Added new Onix spots in the Fairchild basement;
- Added new hunting spots for Gastly, Haunter lv 35-45 and Gengar in the basement of Celadon;
- Added new spots at Mauville power plant;
- Improved Bronzong rotation in Oreburgh.